Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pretty Blue Quilt

The blue laurel wreath blocks are done. There are only 12, but each block has 49 pieces! Started assembling the quilt top and it is pretty. Also, finished 13 blocks of the second quilt. Put it aside for the moment while I finish the blue quilt.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The start of two quilts

Two projects are in progress. The pretty blue Laurel Wreath blocks are for a Chritmas present quilt. The multi-color blocks are for another quilt in the style my grandmother would have made (read about her in my prior entries). I enjoy making quilts with pieces of fabric that seemed to small to keep.

Sam and Baby continue to manage the projects. Baby sits on her quilt on a chair under my work table and Sam sits in the window!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Queen size Log Cabin Quilt

I have been attempting to make quilts my grandmother would have made. This Log Cabin quilt was made with leftover fabric from many, many projects.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

John's Quilt

John is a friend of a friend, but he had time to come to Galveston and help us tear out the inside of our house after Hurricane Ike left four feet of water inside. I made him a t-shirt quilt as a small thank you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Elvis Quilt

My friend asked me if I could make an Elvis quilt for her mother-in-law for Christmas. That question stopped me for a second! My response was yes, if Elvis fabric was available. Went to my favorite quilt and fabric stores. No Elvis fabric. Had to order the fabric from an Etsy shop (love Etsy, my shop name is Sam Baby Studio).

OK, so now I had the Elvis fabric, but what do I do with it. I decided on an Elvis sampler. Mixed in a few other fabrics and there you go!